Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Frustration and a Few Movie References

Ever have one of those "Murphy's Law" type of days?  Where everything that can go wrong, seems to go wrong?  It doesn't even have to be major, catastrophic stuff.  It could be as simple as you drop something on the kitchen floor, bend over to pick it up, your phone falls out of your pocket and the screen cracks.  Boom.  Stupid, dumb events that just seem to pile up and it's so FRUSTRATING!

The other day, I was cleaning the bathroom.  I was wiping the counter down and knocked over the can of air freshener which caused a domino effect of everything else that was on the counter.  I can't get a strike when I bowl and aim at pins but I can knock every single thing off my bathroom counter effortlessly.  Or...you leave the house for work and get in the car and realize you left your water bottle on the counter.  You have to shut the car off, re open the door which you've locked when you left and get the water bottle....then when you're walking back to the car you drop your keys in the snow bank and bend down to pick them up and your water bottle slips out of your grip and drops....and rolls down the driveway.  I mean, come on!!!!  Is there some hidden camera on my life that people are watching and dying laughing somewhere?  (Ever see The Truman Show?  "And in case I don't see you, Good afternoon, Good Evening and Good Night!)

You have to pause.....and breathe.  Seriously.  Ever feel like at that point just raising your head and screaming to the heavens, "What have I done that you are punishing me like this?"  Answer:  Silence.  Truth?  Nothing!!  That's not how God works....and it's sad that some people think like that.  He doesn't sit on his throne and say, "Watch this.....zap....".  Ever see the movie The Adjustment Bureau?  If you haven't, watch it.  It's about a "hidden" people who cause events to happen in ones life to basically keep you on the path of your destiny.  (AKA guardian angels I like to call them.)  So....when stuff like this happens, I think of the Adjustment Bureau.  They are hard at work sometimes.

I also then think of my dear old dad.  He always had words of wisdom at times like this:


Ok, just kidding.  That was my third movie reference.  (Young Frankenstein)  He didn't' say that, but he did LOVE that movie.  What he did say was, "Never complain about delays.  You never know what God is protecting you from or preventing a  possible tragedy."  So....again, pause.....breathe.  I have no idea what could've happened or didn't happen.  But I do believe that God is in control and nothing happens that he didn't orchestrate to happen.  Problem is we just see things as bad and He see's all of it for the greater good.

Now, I know some of the "problems" up above I listed are minuscule in comparison to other real, major problems in life.  Believe me, I know.  I've lived through my share of difficult problems and in the midst of the storm, you want to just crawl in a hole and hide.  It really is hard to see the greater good when the winds are blowing in our life.  I don't like days like that.  No one does.  I just have to hang on, and realize that frustration is ok sometimes.  It could be better than the possible alternative....whatever that alternative is.  I wonder how many of us have been spared from horrific events.  We'll never know....

My final movie reference?  Shawshank Redemption.  "Get busy living, or get busy dying." 

The choice is ours.