Saturday, December 31, 2016

If You've Had a Rough Year

If you log onto social media on a day like today, it's likely you'll see things in your news feed  like, "Bye Bye 2016" or "This year can't end soon enough" sort of posts.  I hear you.  My year was less than desirable too, in many ways.  Why is it that we were all so put to the test this year?  If you think I have the answer and that's what this blog will be about, quit reading now because I literally have no idea.

You know those goofy sayings like, "God doesn't give you more than you can handle?"  or "You must be really strong if God chooses you to endure such trials."  Let me get one thing straight with all of you.  I cannot stand those statements and I don't believe either of them are even remotely true.   First of all, I think God gives me way more than I could possibly  handle.  If I could handle everything, what on earth would I need Him for?  (I'd be willing to bet that some of you, even in semi joking moments have whispered, "God give me strength."!!)  Second of all, God doesn't pick and chose people to hand out trials to.  That would negate that He's a loving God, wouldn't it?  He doesn't sit on his throne and say, "This person needs cancer in their life and this person needs financial troubles and this person needs to have their family affected by addiction."    What I think matter what we do here on earth, life will be hard.  Period.  I can't answer why some people seem to have more difficulties than others, but I have to have faith and believe that no matter what happens, good or bad, that God will work to use it for good.  Our finite beings may not see the whole picture, but I know God does.  Many ask, "Why does God allow suffering?"  I'm not going to answer that with philosophical reasoning and go into the whole debate of Him not interfering with our free will, the simple answer for me is I don't know, really.  But the truth is, here on earth we will suffer.  It's heaven where we won't.    

I read something the other day and actually that said, "Write down all the good things that happen this year and place them in a jar.  Then, on New Years Eve, open the jar and read them aloud."  What a great idea!!  The bad always seems to stick out more than the good, so maybe at the end of the year we need a refresher in what happened that was good?  I actually have a mason jar in my kitchen, all ready to go to do this.  I need to see good way more than I need to be reminded of the struggles.

Many people make resolutions to start tomorrow and by the 3rd week of January will be back to their old ways.  Me?  Guilty as well.  We get this notion that the start of a new year means a new you, new life, new mindset.  But because of this difficult year, I wake up every day now and whisper "thank you, Lord for another day."  Every day is a chance at a new you, new life, new mindset.  His mercies are new every morning.  This is a gift we have all year long.  Every single morning.

Here's something new to me that I've had to train myself to do.  Take time for yourself to recharge.  We get so sucked up into serving others, why do we think that we don't need to take a few moments for ourselves and plug in to charge the battery?  If it's extravagant as a European vacation or as simple as a walk through your neighborhood or a cup of coffee in a Tim Horton's parking lot...take 1 hour a week for yourself.  Where no one needs you for anything.  Nothing.  My only suggestion is that you leave your house and don't try to do this during the working hours because you will get sucked into doing something that interferes with your time.  The pile of laundry will still be there, the dishes will be too...but one hour is nothing in your week.  I have literally found deserted parking lots and shut my car off, reclined the seat and taken a nap, sit and sipped a cup of coffee or just closed my eyes and played soft music in the car.  Jesus himself even took time to revive.  Luke 5:16 - "But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed."  If God in the flesh needed time, what makes you think you don't??  Do it.  It's not wrong or selfish.  It's a lie to think you don't need a moment or two.  I also saw something once that said, "None of us are getting out of here alive so stop treating yourself as an afterthought.  Eat the delicious food.  Walk in the sunshine.  Jump in the ocean.  Say the truth that you're carrying in your heart like a hidden treasure.  Be silly.  Be kind.  Be weird.  There's no time for anything else."  Truth.  This is a short carousel ride folks.

Finally, I really do hope and pray your year ahead is filled with good things.  I can't promise you no trials.  I know sometimes we get browbeaten (*trust me...this has been my biggest issue this year....weary and waiting for the big boom around the corner.)  I get it.  But I also know this is no way to live.  Stop and smell the roses means more to me now than ever.  There's no time for anything else.

Happy 2017 ya'll.....

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